by Paul Marrero
19. November 2014 17:04
Your company culture sucks
by Paul Marrero
20. April 2013 13:00
The best software in the world cannot magically transform your company. Business Process Management (BPM) is about first understanding the concept, ruthlessly exploring all facets of the processes and working on making them as efficient as possible.
by Paul Marrero
12. July 2012 07:49
Process excellence, standardization and efficiency is a way to save money. Becoming leaner and more efficient will gain you a competitive edge in this economy.
Tags: AuraPortal, Blog, BPM, BPMS, Business Excellence, CAASPRE, Change Management, Change, Culture, customer experience, Customer Service, Process Improvement, Process Management, Workflows
BPM | AuraPortal | BPMS | Corporate Culture | Customer Experience
by Paul Marrero
5. July 2011 09:47
BPM from a Business Point of View, by Scott Cleveland.
by Paul Marrero
20. May 2011 10:24
Evaluation scoring of BPM systems. The BPM heavy weights discuss in their reports.